'Climate Change, Emissions Trading System and Green Finance' Weekly Report by Natural Resources PC The staff of Natural Resources PC and Vasili Nicoletopoulos take pleasure in announcing their weekly Report on Climate Change, Emissions Trading System and Green Finance.
The Topic
Natural Resources PC offers a weekly Report on ETS and Green Finance covering: 1. Greenhouse gas emissions 2. Carbon market news 3. Carbon prices 4. EU emissions allowances in the primary and secondary market 5. Non-EU domestic and regional ETS: US, China, Australia, NZ 6. Clean Development Mechanism - CDM 7. 2030 framework for Climate and Energy policies in the EU 8. Carbon Leakage list news [sectors, subsectors] 9. Green Finance
Who this is addressed to This Report should be of use to companies, institutions and individuals that are, or intend to be, involved in the Emissions Trading System Worldwide and Green Finance in a technical, commercial, financial, academic or policy capacity.
About the author Mr V. Nicoletopoulos is a business consultant with his own company Natural Resources PC that specializes in mining and energy industries and policies. He is also Director of International Development and Sales, Premier Magnesia LLC, USA and member of the Board of renewables companies. Vasili has graduated from the National Technical University, Athens, and then from Stanford University, U.S.A. with a M.Sc. in Engineering - Economic Systems. After working in consulting in California, he returned to Greece for a career with Grecian Magnesite SA and also served as Vice-President of Magnesitas Navarras in Spain, Ellamag in Greece and as CEO of ERGOSE SA. Mr. Nicoletopoulos has authored three books and several booklets and articles in Greek and international journals and financial newspapers and has lectured extensively in many countries on mining, energy and public policy. He speaks Greek, English, French and Spanish. Vasili’s unique perspective is, thus, one of combining high academic credentials; analytical skills and publications; a diverse and international business and lobbying background; past and present duties in European mining and metals Associations, and current activities in international mining companies and business consulting. Example of our work can be seen in Climate Change, ETS and Green Finance - Weekly Report no 251
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